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You are free to drop email. Also We will answer all inquiries at +959-95506205 within 24 hours

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Secure processing

We are always looking for any leakage and holes to be fixed and increasing the limit of security we can cover.

General Information

Dept of Marine Administration Online Service (DMAOS) is a simple online gateway where any seafarer, any organization, any company can access information in terms of medical fitness verification, seafarer license verfication and certificate validation. It aims to improve the access of information and its business functions to all parties through out this service network.
Any registered seafarers, any registered hospitals, any registered companies or institutions can join the network and use the services DMAOS offered. If you are not registered one, you can sign up or make request registration online.
Any information, any email and any files transmitted through this web site are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed under authorization of Department of Marine Administration (DMA). Please notify web administrator or DMA authorities any action or any condition that are not explictly shown in this web site or without an agreement form DMA. DMA or DMAOS will not accept any liability in respect of disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information, and the visitor or user will be responsible and liable for any damages or other liability arising.
Information will not be disclosed to any institution and organization as well as information entitled to individual as well as organization will be confidential and intented solely to use for that individual or organization. Any means of reusing information presented in DMAOS is not liable to DMAOS as well as Dept of Marine Administration.
You are welcome to access help and support at any time. For any technical help, free to contact to :95-9-73164644.

Account Information

If you are registered SRPS Company, by showing your company registered document. you can subscribe DMAOS service by opening account at Xbusiness's Office.
Sorry sir, for security purpose, we can't provide this service for the time being.
A SRPS account is a virtual token to access any services provided by DMAOS. It automatically checks your profile whether you are an active registered SRPS company of Dept of Marine Administration, then provide access you to create 'username' and 'password'. After you are registred in DMAOS, you are ready to access any information service provided by DMAOS.
No, anyone can't create a SRPS account. Only active registered SRPS company is allowed to create.
Sorry sir, for security reason, you can't create SRPS account with your own password and username. We will create username and password for you. It would be sent to your email if we update your username and password.

Payment Information

Prepaid code is randomly generated 12 digits code and it has no expired date. One prepaid code will generate 10 credits for submitting 10 requests. It is used for recharging your account at 'Account' page. You need to have 1 or more credits to be able to submit your visa or departure requests. Each request will used one credit and it will automatically update your balance in your account page.
Before making any departure or visa request, you need to recharge with prepaid code. If not you cannot proceed step 3 and showing error that 'You have no credit to proceed.'
You can deposit your cash upfront to any branch of CB Bank with account no. 0048100100002887, Beneficiary name: Ni Ni Oo and you must need to keep the bank slip which is given to you at the time of deposit.
Note: We will not be responsible for putting your cash to wrong bank account number or loss of bank slip.
To ensure your deposit amount with your requirement, we would like to ask your favor to let us know the following information.
  • ? Quantity of Departure Prepaid Code – 30,000 kyats
  • ? Quantity of Visa Prepaid Code – 20,000 kyats
  • ? Deposit amount
We will send prepaid code to your admin email within 24 hours, if you can't find it in your inbox, please search '' in your mail box.
First of all, you need to send your scanned copy of bank slip to or mentioning with quantity of departure or visa prepaid code each. After that you will get prepaid code via your admin email within 24 hours. If you need prepaid code in urgent, you can reach to customer service at 095506205.
You may type prepaid code wrong or your prepaid code has been already redeemed. One prepaid code will charge 10 credits to submit 10 requests. If you are sure that you haven't redeem or claim, please mention your prepaid code and send it to or you can contact to customer service at 095506205.
Click the link 'Account' at the top navigation menu and you will see the account page which shows your account's credit balance. Click 'Recharge' button located at 'Departure' or 'Visa' panel. Then the dialog box will come up with 'Prepaid code' and 'Security code' field. Please type or copy prepaid code which we have sent to your email and fill your security code and click 'Proceed'. It will generate 10 credits upon your request and you will see your update balance at 'Departure' or 'Visa' panel.
Sorry. we won't issue new security key. But you can request your security key with your SRPS registration number through email or phone.
You will be informed for getting free payment code in promotion event.